

RpiLoRa and Raspberry Pi compatible

RS232 communication up to 250k Baud. Galvanic separation.


RpiLoRa and Raspberry Pi compatible

RS485 half duplex communication up to 1M Baud. Galvanic separation.


Standalone or Raspberry Pi compatible

Low power operation.Supports LoRa at 868MHz or 915MHz with external antenna. UART, SPI, I2C, GPIO and some Analog pins are routed out and available on the board for connection with sensors or other peripheral devices. Based upon STM32G050 with available debug header. For an example Segger or STLink can be used for development and debugging. STLink is a low cost option (Digikey: 497-18216-ND).

All boards are designed for low cost prototyping purposes and for use as general building blocks. Common working temperature for all boards are -40 - 85 degrees Celsius. Please note for RS232 and RS485: if used in environments with high AC voltage or risk of high transients (comm signals in the same cable or other cases), improved protection on the input/output must be considered.